In stark contrast to our ancient, hand-cultivated and tended groves, our oil mill in Gornje Selo is state-of-the-art. A gleaming array of stainless steel, computer controls and expert mechanical engineering, our Italian-made Pieralisi allows us not only to process in small quantiities, but to process three different batches at the same time. Once you start processing olives, there’s not time to stop because the highest quality oil means making sure every olive picked is turned into oil within 12 hours!

The result, less than 12 hours after being picked, and just 45 minutes of processing, is delicious, first, cold-pressed extra virgin Olynthia olive oil!
Processed oil is kept in stainless steel tanks, packaged and labeled, everything on one place in order to preserve all healty ingredients and aromas of this unigue olive oil.
Our mill is not only a place where the olives are processed into oil, but a place where the island’s olive growers meet to share information.